Fukuura-Katsurago Coast

Fukuura-katsurago Coast is near the Fukuura Fishing Port, which is the only port in the Yugawara area. From the scenery and the atmosphere of the a rea, you will sense the long history of coexistence between the people and the sea. Many divers and anglers visit this place throughout the year to enjoy the water of Sagami Bay.

Being located at the base of Manazuru Peninsula, Fukuura-katsur ago Coast is a geologically valuable source of historical data concerning form ation of the peninsula.

Geo site in city


Manazuru Peninsula Formation History


On the rock face of the Fukuura-Katsurago Coast on the Manazuru Peninsula side, there are exposed stratums that form the Manazuru Peninsula. They can be observed from a close distance. The black layer of the rock face is Manazuru-misaki lava from an eruption about 150 thousand years ago. Below that, the brown colored volcanic ash layer is the Tama Loam layer. By observing the Tama Loam layer, it can be understood that lava from the eruption swept away the deposited Tama Loam layer and formed the Manazuru Peninsula as it cooled.

Ryugu Belief


There once was a huge rock called the “Ryugu-iwa (Nose of Ryugu)” where currently there is a breakwater. There was a legend that the entrance to the Ryugu-jo Castle was at this rock. Because of this, the local people were fond of the Ryugu-jinja Shrine that was on the east side of the cliff and this rock. However, unfortunately the huge rock and the shrine were destroyed by the Great Kanto Earthquake. A new Ryugu-jinja Shrine has been built where the original shrine was. Every year on September 1st, the people of the fishing industry hold a festival here in honor of the Ryugu.

Sea life that can be seen in the surrounding area


The wind is blocked from the sea near the Fukuura-Katsuago Coast by the Manazuru Peninsula. Because of this, it is calm throughout the year in this area. Many fish familiar to the dinner table, such as horse mackerel, red sea bream, young yellowtail, and popular ornamental fish such as clownfish, can be seen here. For this reason, many divers and fishermen visit here. The colonies of bubble-tip anemone (Entacmaea quadricolor) that have been designated as natural treasures are especially an attraction.